Housing Justice Support


Facing a rent increase, landlord harassment, or habitability concerns? Ironbound Community Corporation’s Housing Justice Team is here to help.

Whether you’re behind on rent, dealing with mold, or experiencing an illegal lockout, we provide guidance, resources, and advocacy. Complete our Housing Justice Intake Form for support.



  • Rent Increases: Concerned about a sudden increase in your monthly rent? Please complete the Housing Justice Intake Form.
  • Behind on Rent or Utilities: Contact the Financial Opportunity Center at [email protected] for assistance navigating available programs and resources to address this issue.
  • Landlord Harassment: In cases of landlord harassment, the Housing Justice Team will not only address the issue, but also inquire if you are facing issues related to threats of eviction.  
  • Mold Issues: Mold problems can have severe health implications. Such issues should be referred to us via the Housing Justice Intake Form.
  • Habitability Concerns: Habitability issues such as rodents, mold, leaks, or heating problems, we will step in to assess the situation and work towards resolving these issues promptly.


Example: No Light, Heat or Hot Water: 

  • Confirm you do not have a shut off notice.
  • Call the non-emergency police number (973-733-6000) or 211 immediately.
  • Call PSE&G to request someone come check the service.
  • Call City of Newark Code Enforcement to report the problem (973) 877-9578 or (973) 877-9579 (If you do not reside in Newark, contact your local code enforcement agency).
  • For further assistance, complete our Intake Form.


Only the courts can determine and evict a resident; Stay in your home unless you have a court document stating otherwise. 

  • Call non-emergency police number first (973-733-6000).
  • If you would like our support, be sure to complete our intake form.
  • You can also go to court to show proof of cause and the judge can order the landlord/management to reopen the unit and place original locks back on. 

You can also contact Volunteer Lawyers for Justice at 973-943-4754.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Housing Justice Advocate Walquidea Perez at walquideaperez1@ironboundcc.org or use our hotline: 908-316-7899.